Attorney E. Grier Ferguson criminal syndicate.

A Criminal syndicate is by definition “Crime committed by groups engaged in planned and sustained criminal activities”, as is the case with a group of attorneys protected by the Virginia State Bar.

A November 18, 2017 post on such a criminal syndicate gives details of how a group of lawyers in Suffolk, Virginia extorted their client Mary Margaret Jones by pillaging her with excessive legal fees in reference to a trust left to her by her father. See the post giving details of the criminal actions: Abusing the elderly by extortion

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The lawyers involved who are defending Attorney E. Grier Ferguson are listed as Attorney Alison R. Zizzo of Midgett & Pretti P.C. & Glen M. Robertson of Wolcott, Rivers & Gates P.C..

The judges in the case are sitting Judge John F. Daffron Jr. (Chesterfield, retired) and Judge Randolph West as the Judicial Settlement Conference Judge. The local Judges refused to preside over this case for conflict of interest. The Suffolk Commonwealths Attorney is Carl Phillip Ferguson, brother of E. Grier Ferguson.

At the November 21, 2017-Court Ordered Judicial Settlement Conference, E. Grier Ferguson, Esquire, and his attorneys, presented settlement terms to the plaintiff Mary Margaret Jones (victim), through Judge Randolph West, the Settlement Conference Judge. Ms. Jones is represented by Rhetta M. Daniel, Esquire. Ms. Jones accepted the Judicial Settlement Terms on the deadline date, December 1, 2017, that Judge West set.

These criminal syndicate of lawyers have now decided that the signed settlement is not valid, despite all parties agreeing at the Judicial Settlement Conference, that all Settlement Terms had been presented to Mary Margaret Jones by Judge West.

It appears that Grier and his attorneys have committed numerous civil claims and crimes acts and they believe they would continue to have liability.

We were informed that the settlement agreement does not cover Mary Margaret Jones son, so Grier and his attorneys know they could be liable for serious financial harm to him and apparently want the settlement to be rejected by Judge Daffron on January 23, 2018.

The Jones v. Ferguson case files can be viewed: Jones v. Ferguson

Numerous complaints have been filed with the Virginia State Bar, by an Enrolled Agent, Mary Margaret Jones, Ms. Jones’ lawyer, Rhetta M. Daniel, concerning the alleged unethical and criminal actions by these E. Grier Ferguson, but these Complaints appear to be lying dormant despite the overwhelming amount of evidence provided supporting many unethical and criminal offenses.

Instead of investigating these criminal attorneys, the Virginia State Bar is persecuting Attorney Rhetta M. Daniel by filing frivolous complaints against her with no evidence in hopes of her going silent and to stop exposing the “cancer of corruption” in the judicial system and in the Virginia State Bar.

A reliable source wrote that criminal complaints against the subject attorneys may be filed for violating the federal or state RICO Acts and for grand larceny.

“Under RICO, a person who has committed “at least two acts of racketeering activity” drawn from a list of 35 crimes—27 federal crimes and 8 state crimes—within a 10-year period can be charged with racketeering”

In today’s justice system, it is common practice for attorneys not to be liable for their actions, because the Virginia State Bar protects these lawyers. This is “protection racketeering” which is a criminal. The Virginia State Bar is classified as a “mafia” defined as; 1) a closed group of people in a particular field, having a controlling influence. 2) any organized group using extortion and other criminal methods.

Big firm lawyers and predominately WASP lawyers are protected by the Virginia State Bar, where as minorities and women are targeted for prosecution, The VSB Disciplinary records and published data on the VSB website prove the Virginia State Bar never prosecutes the Big-Firm and the Well-Connected Virginia lawyers. the VSB Disciplinary records proves this.

It appears from Virginia State Bar and other state financial records that the VSB shielded classes of lawyers pay “protection” money to the VSB to fend off and have the VSB hide all ethical or criminal Complaints filed against them.

Thank you to the people of Suffolk who want to see E. Grier Ferguson and his attorneys stopped in their tracks from abusing Mary Margaret Jones and her son.


“Fiat justitia et pereat mundus” – “Let there be justice, though the world perish”